Large Group of Falun Dafa Practitioners Transported to Wanzhou County

The Epoch Times
May. 12, 2006

Editors' Note: Reminbao recently published the following article, based on a single source inside the CCP. Because of the gravity of the possible implications of this report, The Epoch Times is making it available to our English-language readers.

The report of a massive transfer of Falun Gong practitioners inside China is consistent with the report by a veteran military doctor of secret camps holding tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners.

According to a source in mainland China, last week, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s Minister of Public Security Zhou Yongkang flew to Wanzhou County in Chongqing City, Sichuan Province. He held two days of secret meetings at the party school of county Party committee in Wanzhou. All relevant CCP officials of different ranks gathered at the school.

According to Reminbao 's report, at the beginning of April (around April 7), a group of unidentified people were transported to Wanzhou by armed escorts. Witnesses said they were not criminals in normal prison clothing. There is accurate information indicating that they were Falun Gong practitioners being held in secret detention. It seems that the transport process is still in progress.

Wanzhou County is about 300 kilometers from Chongqing City, above the three gorges of the Yangtze River. There are several large jails including the Three Gorges Jail, and an abandoned mine used to house high-security inmates. More significantly, there is also a large-scale underground nuclear-military complex. The whole region is surrounded by mountain ranges. There is only a single road in and out.

According to sources, Chongqing is the "backyard" chosen by the CCP (in times of war). There are renowned large military hospitals like Southwest hospital, Daping hospital, Xinqiao hospital, plus the Third Military Medical University and other large-scale medical research institutes under the CCP's control.

The source believes that all witnesses (mainly Falun Gong practitioners) to the live organ extractions are being secretly transferred to this location to prevent them from exposing the atrocities committed by the CCP. The new concentration camp has been secretly established in the underground nuclear-military complex. And all these witnesses are facing the danger of execution at any time.

The source says that Zhou Yongkang came to Wanzhou to address the secret meeting. It is highly probable that the central topic of the meeting was how to "effectively deal with" the Falun Gong practitioners held in secret custody in the underground military complex.

A senior military doctor in Shengyang City, despite the risk to his own life, leaked news to The Epoch Times that the Chinese military has been a prime culprit in the crimes of extracting live organs from Falun Gong practitioners.

He said that a lot of hospitals associated with the military are doing live organ extractions independently and on a large scale. The destruction of materials and bodies, even cremation of live bodies, requires the approval of military supervisors. Military supervisors have the right to use force to arrest, imprison and execute any doctor, police, military police and research staff who leak information. The military supervisors are military personnel or members of military institutions given their authority by the CCP's Central Military Commission.

The doctor indicated that the entire organ extraction system has been managed by the military. Once under military control, even government departments cannot keep tabs on the operation. The militarization of the operation increased the level of secrecy of the practice of live organ extractions and trying to get any information about the activities is just about impossible. As a result, we must pay a certain amount of attention to getting to the bottom of the military facilities. Those are the real concentration camps.

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