First They Came For The Porn Stars...
Wendy McElroyMay 15

Killing the Internet: A Blizzard of New Taxes in the Wings
InfowarsMay 13
For years revenue-hungry states and local municipalities have salivated over the prospect of taxing the life out of the internet. Now a move by a small but dedicated minority in Congress may result in the scraping of the Internet Tax Freedom Act and usher in a new era of exorbitant taxation, according to The Wall Street Journal.

In a few months, the newspaper reports, "customers may begin receiving notices from their Internet providers that new taxes are on the way. Even thoug
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Human Progress Story of the Day: Speaking Exchanges
Cato @ LibertyMay 13

Zuck's 100 Mil Given to NJ Public School System Squandered...
The New YorkerMay 13

Texas Upholds $5-Per-Patron Strip Club Tax to Combat 'Social Ills Associated With This Type of Business'
ReasonMay 13

How Consumers Rule In a Free Economy
Mises InstituteMay 12
One of my favorite economists in the history of economic thought is the great Austrian, Carl Menger (1840-1921). While the mainstream of the economics profession acknowledges Menger's place due to his contribution to the Marginalist Revolution in the 1870s, it otherwise ignores him because his theoretical framework does not lend itself to policy prescriptions. In an era in which the economics profession largely views itself as a shadow branch of government which is itself charged with managing t... (more)

Faber: The Most Underappreciated Asset is Cash
CNBCMay 09
Dr. Marc Faber is an international investor known for his uncanny predictions and memory of the stock and futures markets around the world. Dr. Doom also trades currencies and commodity futures like Gold and Oil. He is the publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report. He is also fond of schooling the Wall Street media talking heads on economics and financial systems.

In the following video he discusses why cash is the most underappreciated asset -- certainly for the next 6 months.
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House Republicans find 10% of tea party donors audited by IRS
Washington TimesMay 08

Poll Shows Overwhelming Opposition To Tolling
TheNewspaperMay 08

Making the World Safe from Democracy or: How to Defend Oneself Against the United States
Hans-Hermann HoppeMay 07
Read part I

After this excursion into the theory of democratic peace I am back to the proposition that there is no greater threat to lasting peace than the democratic state, and in particular the United States. Thus, the question: how to make the world safe from democracy or how to defend oneself against the U.S..

This is not only a problem for foreigners but for Americans as well. Af
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The "Economic Recovery" Continues: Businesses Are Being Destroyed Faster Than They Are Being Created
Michael SnyderMay 07
What would you say about an economy where businesses are shutting down faster than they are opening?  Well, a shocking new study released by the Brookings Institution indicates that this is exactly what is happening in the United States.  We are absolutely killing small businesses and the entrepreneurial spirit in this country, and as you will see below, the number of self-employed Americans has been on a downward trend for a decade even though our population has been steadily growing.  Traditio... (more)

And the Band Played On
Peter SchiffMay 07
After three months of consistently disappointing jobs numbers, the markets were as keyed up for a good jobs report as a long suffering sailor awaiting shore leave in a tropical port. The just released April jobs report, which claimed that 288,000 jobs were created in the U.S. during the month, provided the apparent good news. However, you don't have to go too far beneath the surface to find some troubling trends within the data. But even this minor excavation was too much for the media cheerlead... (more)

Airbnb Faces Near-Ban In San Francisco
Huffington PostMay 07

Silk Road 2.0 Now Larger Than Silk Road Ever Was
TechdirtMay 07

Why Occupational Licensing Is Unjust, Unneeded, and Increases Income Inequality
The BeaconMay 02

New Frontiers in Regulatory Overreach
Cato @ LibertyMay 01
In most cases, excessive regulation doesn’t surprise me all that much. It usually focuses on familiar industries, such as automobiles. So, for example, when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration came up with a rule mandating that all cars and light trucks sold in the United States have rearview cameras, it wasn’t a great shock.

But every now and then, regulators do something that catches me o
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The Federal Government Now Consumes 31 Percent Of US Economy
The Daily CallerMay 01

But Who Will Charge You For The Roads You Already Built?
Washington PostMay 01

Silk Road Prosecutor Says IRS is Wrong, Bitcoin is Money
Activist PostMay 01

Is the DOJ Forcing Banks to Terminate the Accounts of Porn Stars?
VICE NewsMay 01

The Debate Debate
Peter SchiffApr 30
While there is wide agreement that the cost of college education has risen far faster than the incomes of most Americans, there is some debate as to whether the quality of the product has kept pace with the price. Not surprisingly, almost all who argue that it has (college administrators, professors, and populist politicians) are deeply invested either ideologically or financially in the system itself. More objective observers see a bureaucratic, inefficient, and hopelessly out of touch ivory to... (more)

‘Dark Wallet’ Is About to Make Bitcoin Money Laundering Easier Than Ever
WiredApr 30

Patent Litigation Cost US Business About A Trillion Dollars In A Quarter Century, Outweighing Benefits
TechdirtApr 29

Thomas Piketty on Inequality and Capital
Mises InstituteApr 28
Thomas Piketty's Sensational New Book

By Hunter Lewis

Thomas Piketty, a 42-year-old economist from French academe has written a hot new book: Capital in the Twenty-First Century. The U.S. edition has been published by Harvard University Press and, remarkably, is leading the best seller list; the first time that a Harvard book has done so. A recent review describes Piketty as the man "who exposed capitalism's fatal flaw."

So what is this flaw? Supposed
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Obamacare deals blow to one-doctor medicine
UTSanDiego.comApr 28

Clinton Library's Doc Dump Reveals CRA Role In Subprime Mess
Investors.comApr 28

Obama's Push to Recruit Young Adults into Obamacare Falls Short
The BeaconApr 24
The White House and its media allies have been cheerleading Obamacare's apparent success at exceeding the president’s stated target for enrollments in the Obamacare health-insurance exchanges. Even more importantly, they have asserted that a significant proportion enrolled in the exchanges are young people. President Obama declared that 35 percent of enrollees are under the age of 35.

Enrolling enough young people into Obamacare was important because insurers are forbidden to char
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Inside the ‘DarkMarket’ Prototype, a Silk Road the FBI Can Never Seize
WiredApr 24

The Food Police Turn to the Bottle
Logan AlbrightApr 23
Continuing my "meddling bureaucrats trying to tell us what to eat" series, I recently discovered that the FDA is planning to start requiring nutrition labels on alcoholic beverages. Apparently they are worried that sorority girls pounding cosmos might be getting a little more sugar than they ought to, and that the presence of a small label on the side of a bottle of Cointreau is go... (more)

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