The Dark Web Gets Darker With Rise of the 'Evolution' Drug Market
WiredSep 22

Peter Schiff Interviewed by The Daily Bell
The Daily BellSep 07

Arizona Statutory Rape Victim Forced to Pay Child Support
AZ CentralSep 03

Leftist: 'Why Uber Must Be Stopped'
SalonSep 01

Ensuring Safe Food in a Free Market: A Lesson from China
Cato @ LibertySep 01

Cost of Renouncing US Citizenship Goes From Free In 2010 to 450$, And Now It's Been Jacked to $2,350
InformationLiberationAug 30
Four years ago renouncing your U.S. citizenship rightly cost you nothing. As you are forgoing all the "benefits" you were going to receive, renouncing all said benefits saves taxpayers money (unless, of course, you're one of those evil, greedy, rich people who pays more into the system than you get out).

Despite this being the case, in 2010 a $450 fee was slapped onto people to charge them for the "service."

Now, that renunciation fee was just jacked up 42
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Tobacco and a Free Society
Laurence M. VanceAug 26

Dark Net Drug Markets Kept Alive by Great Customer Service

Colorado's Illegal Pot Market Thrives
Mises BlogAug 21
Not unexpectedly, Colorado’s illegal marijuana market has been reported as thriving. The reasons for this are pretty straightforward. First, it is a new and highly regulated market making it difficult to supply products and keeping legal marijuana prices high. Also, steep taxes on legal marijuana exceeding 30% also are keeping prices high.
"Camouflaged amid the legal medici... (more)

Neighborhood Bully - America Recklessly Throws its Weight Around
Peter SchiffAug 18
On June 30, U.S. authorities announced a stunning $9 billion fine on French bank BNP Paribas for violations of financial sanctions laws that the United States had imposed on Iran, Sudan and Cuba. In essence, BNP had surreptitiously conducted business with countries that the United States had sought to isolate diplomatically (sometimes unilaterally in the case of Cuba). Although BNP is not technically under the jurisdiction of American regulators, and the bank had apparently not broken any laws o... (more)

Doug Casey on the Phil Donahue Show (1980/1981)
YouTubeAug 13

Doug Casey on the Phil Donahue Show promoting his book, "Crisis Investing", filmed on November 3rd, 1980 in the oldest known recording of Doug Casey.

This video is provided by The Dollar Vigilante and an overview of the video can be found at

Americans Got $2 Trillion in Benefits from Federal Government in 2013
CNS NewsAug 05

Yellen: Where No Man Has Gone Before
Peter SchiffJul 29
Although Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen said nothing new in her carefully manicured semi-annual testimony to Congress last week, her performance there, taken within the context of a lengthy profile in the New Yorker (that came to press at around the same time), should confirm that she is very different from any of her predecessors in the job. Put simply, she is likely the most dovish and politically leftist Fed Chair in the Central Bank's history.

While her tenure thus far may feel
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Marc Faber Responds To CNBC Mockery, Asks "How Has CNBC's Portfolio Done Since 1999?"
Zero HedgeJul 29

America's Dumbest Move Yet: Seizing A Foreign Bank
Zero HedgeJul 25

The "Gates" Are Closing: SEC Votes Through Money Market Reform
Zero HedgeJul 24

California City Will Fine Couple $500 For Not Watering Brown Lawn, State Will Fine'em $500 If They Do
ConsumeristJul 21

Carbon Tax Gone – Australia First Country to Get Rid of a Price on Carbon
Joanne NovaJul 17

Block on CNBC: Privatize the Roads
Mises BlogJul 10
Walter Block explains road privatization on CNBC:
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Google's Larry Page: "I Think the Government's Likely to Collapse Under Its Own Weight."
ReasonJul 10

Burgeoning Regulations Threaten Our Humanity
Robert HiggsJul 07
Insofar as mainstream economics may be said to make moral-philosophical assumptions, it rests overwhelmingly on a consequentialist-utilitarian foundation. When mainstream economists say that an action is worthwhile, they mean that it is expected to give rise to benefits whose total value exceeds its total cost (that is, the most valued benefit necessarily forgone by virtue of this particular action's being taken). But nearly always the economists make no attempt to evaluate as part of their bene... (more)

How Government Forces the Poor Into Black Markets
Mises InstituteJul 01
From the left we often see tension between those who want to help the poor, and those who want to help the government. One recent example of this is the proposal to ban cash forwarded by Harvard's Ken Rogoff.

The gist of Rogoff's beef with cash is that cash fuels the black market, and it makes it harder for the government to push negative nomin
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"America Has Ceased to Exist": Investment Guru Doug Casey on the Coming Economic Meltdown
ReasonJun 27

"America, is a marvelous idea, a unique idea, fantastic idea, I'm extremely pro-American. But America has ceased to exist," declares Doug Casey, an economist and author of his most recent book, Right on the Money. He has also produced a new documentary called Meltdown America which predicts the economic and political unraveling of the U.S.

Casey recen
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Paulson's Puerto Rico Paradise Lures Rich Fleeing Taxes
BloombergJun 27
Related: Puerto Rico To Become Epic Tax Haven For U.S. Citizens?: 'The Idea Is To Turn It Into An Alternative To Singapore'

Red Cross: How We Spent Sandy Money Is a 'Trade Secret'
ProPublicaJun 27

AUS: Liberals celebrate as carbon tax repeal passes lower house
Sydney Morning HeraldJun 27

Germany Gives Up Plan To Repatriate Gold From US
The Voice of RussiaJun 25

The Bond Trap
Peter SchiffJun 25
The American financial establishment has an incredible ability to celebrate the inconsequential while ignoring the vital. Last week, while the Wall Street Journal pondered how the Fed may set interest rates three to four years in the future (an exercise that David Stockman rightly compared to debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin), the media almost completely ignored one of the most chilling pieces of financial news that I have ever seen. According to a small story in the Fin... (more)

Entrepreneurs Are Moral Heroes
Hans-Hermann HoppeJun 24
In the most fundamental sense we are all, with each of our actions, always and invariably profit-seeking entrepreneurs.

Whenever we act, we employ some physical means (things valued as goods) -- at a minimum our body and its standing room, but in most cases also various other, "external" things -- so as to divert the "natural" course of events (the course of events we expect to happen if we were to act differently) in order to reach some more highly valued anticipated future state
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