DEFLATION? Who Are They Kidding? Commodities Prices Are Going Through The Roof
Business InsiderSep 18
A few weeks ago, everyone began to agree that the US was headed for a decade of Japan-style deflation. The banks weren't lending, consumers weren't borrowing, the Fed's desperate attempts to create inflation weren't working, the country was awash in excess manufacturing and labor capacity, and so on.

And most of those things are true. In the United States.

But the world's not just about the United States anymore.

Several billion people in China and I
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Household Net Worth Plunges By Most Since Q4 2008, As Government Borrowing Surges
Zero HedgeSep 18
Arguably the most useful report to come out each quarter out of the Federal Reserve is the Z.1, or the Flow of Funds report, which was released minutes ago. And it's a doozy: household net worth (assets less liabilities) in Q2 2010 plunged by $1.5 trillion, almost exclusively due to a plunge in Corporate Equities ($0.9 trillion) and Pension Fund holdings ($0.7 trillion). In other words, the net wealth of the US household cont... (more)
Government borrowing means less money for any possible economic recovery.

Climate change industry hits $US528bn
The AustralianSep 18
Corporate welfare is big money.

Does the US Economy Need Another Stimulus Package?
Mises InstituteSep 17

The Economics of Mass Destruction
The Daily CapitalistSep 17

Taxpayers Paid At Least $9 Million for Signs Promoting Obama's Economic Stimulus
CNS NewsSep 17

Leno: Govt Workers Who Aren't There, Spend $ We Don't Have, To Create Jobs That Don't Exist
YouTubeSep 16

With Tax Hikes Soon, Cable News Uses 'Tax Cut' Phrasing 13 Times as Much
Business & Media InstituteSep 16

White House: We Totally Didn't Say Recovery Summer Meant Economic Recovery...Except When We Did
Reason MagazineSep 16

Gold Hits New Record High
KitcoSep 16

The Great Food Truck Lobbying Race
S.M. OlivaSep 15
The City of Emeryville, California, is looking for individuals to serve on its new “Food Truck Taskforce” -- a bureaucratic reaction to the increased competition local “brick and mortar” restaurants face from mobile kitchens. Local worker Catherine Hicks tweeted, “restaurants are whining that trucks are more popular at lunch!” But the city sees this shift in lunching habits as a political problem requiring a political solution:<... (more)

Waking up to a World Currency
The New AmericanSep 15
If all the advocates of a world fiat currency (a currency not backed by a precious commodity like gold) were to scream at once, workers in world capitals, business centers, colleges, and news media may be deafened. And if global financial elites have their way, America will move quickly toward accepting a planetary fiat currency issued by a world central bank.

Calls for a new global monetary regime are nothing new. After World War II left the world’s financial system in disarray,
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Investing in Gold: Frequently Asked Questions
Charles GoyetteSep 15

Cuba to cut one million public sector jobs, allow private jobs
BBCSep 14
Cuba's government employs about 85% of the country's 5.1 million workers

Cuba has announced radical plans to lay off huge numbers of state employees, to help revive the communist country's struggling economy.

The Cuban labour federation said more than a million workers would lose their jobs - half of them by March next year.

Those laid off will be encouraged to become self-employed or join new private enterprises, on which some of the current restri
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If only our communist government would do the same!

Gold Just Went Straight Vertical To A New Record -- Stocks Tumble
Business InsiderSep 14

No Banker Left Behind! 'The Curse of Fiat Money'
Mises InstituteSep 14

Movement to Repeal ObamaCare Tax Requirement Gains Momentum
The New AmericanSep 14

Artists Make More Money in File-Sharing Age Than Before It
Torrent FreakSep 14
An extensive study into the effect of digitalization on the music industry in Norway has shed an interesting light on the position of artists today, compared to 1999. While the music industry often talks about artists being on the brink of bankruptcy due to illicit file-sharing, the study found that the number of artists as well as their average income has seen a major increase in the last decade.

Every other month a new study addressing the link between music piracy and music re
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45% Expect To Pay More for Health Care A Year From Now
Rasmussen ReportsSep 14

Senator: Obama, Congress 'Intentionally' Spending to Force Value-Added Tax Implementation
Business & Media InstituteSep 13
N.H. Sen. Judd Gregg tells CNBC’s Larry Kudlow leaders are ‘trying to run the government into the ditch’ to institute European social welfare model.

We've heard from various elements that President Barack Obama was a socialist trying to "fundamentally change" the United States of America in a covert manner, but maybe it isn't as covert as it seems.
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51% Favor Extending Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy
Rasmussen ReportsSep 13
A majority (51%) of U.S. voters now support extending the so-called Bush tax cuts for all Americans including the wealthy, even as the House Republican leader indicates he is willing to compromise with President Obama and not include wealthy taxpayers in the tax cut extension.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 44% of Likely Voters believe the tax cuts should be extended for everyone but the wealthy. The question does not define "wealthy," but the preside
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Outlook Gloomy at Secret Billionaire Meeting
CNBCSep 12

Shielding "Professionals" from Competition
S.M. OlivaSep 12
John F. Sturm, the president of the Newspaper Association of America, thinks it’s high time Congress intervene to protect the free flow of information -- that is, the flow of information from confidential government “sources” to “professional” journalists. In an op-ed, Sturm said the republic cannot endure the type of unprofessional muckraking provided by websites like
Unlike the source-to-screen appro... (more)

Hilarious Video: Union Goon Makes a Fool Out of Himself in Stossel Debate
YouTubeSep 12

I think we got an interesting insight into the Union member's mindset about competition and how they view themselves. If there is one thing that one can take away from this show is this: "Collusion of Unions with the Government" or "Collusion of any business with the Government" spells death to a free market idea tha
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Check out the great discussion on reddit libertarian!

Forbes writer predicts return to gold standard
ForbesSep 12

ObamaCare Brings Insurance Rate Hikes
The New AmericanSep 12
Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama said that his healthcare reform plan “would bring down premiums by $2500 for the typical family.” In February of this year he urged Congress to pass healthcare reform or else Americans would “see exploding... (more)

A list of Taxes: And they wonder why we are stuck in a recession!
DailyPaulSep 09
Sales Tax
Hotel Tax
School Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Tax
Excise Taxes
Property Tax
Cigarette Tax
Medicare Tax
Inventory Tax
Car Rental Tax
Real Estate Tax
Well Permit Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Inheritance Tax
Road Usage Tax
CDL license Tax
Dog License Tax
State Income Tax
Food License Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Social Security Tax
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This doesn't include the myriad of 'fees' which cost us billions as well.

70% of US federal spending reports don't add up
Boing BoingSep 09
Nicko from the Sunlight Foundation sez,
Today the Sunlight Foundation launched analysis that reveals more than $1.3 trillion in federal reporting data from 2009 is broken. These data inaccuracies account for 70 percent of the total $1.9 trillion in government spending data reported last year. Clearspending offers a critique on the reliability of data from, across three metrics--consistency, completeness and timeliness--and covers spending from 2007, 2008 and ... (more)

Welcome to the "Green Economy": Carbon cuts leave Chinese factories in chaos
The AgeSep 09
AN ABRUPT command from Beijing to follow through with ”iron-fisted” energy and carbon emission cuts has thrown China’s industrial heartland into chaos.
”We had no water to flush the toilet, we couldn’t use the fridge and of course production stopped,” said an office manager at Wanxing wire mesh factory in Anping, Hebei province.

He said he had struggled through 10 days of randomly imposed blackouts – some as long as 22 hours – and the water supply and electrica
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