Peter Schiff on FOX News 10/14/10
YouTubeOct 15

Value-Added Tax Would Hurt Economy, Kill Jobs, Business Group Study Finds
CNSnews.comOct 15
( -- An economic analysis sponsored by the National Retail Federation (NRF) shows that a Value-Added Tax (VAT) would damage economic growth and kill hundreds of thousands of jobs. The study showed that a large reduction in federal spending would be better for the economy.

The NRF study was conducted because President Barack Obama's Fiscal Commission,  which is scheduled to issue its first report soon,
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Thousands of Nonprofit Groups Face New Tax Burden Starting Friday
Fox NewsOct 14
"We gotta pay for Goldman's bailout somehow!"

'Gold is the best asset class to be in'
The TelegraphOct 14
The trouble with chasing performance is that you often join the party too late. Yet gold continues to defy the odds and if the great and the good of the investment world are to be believed, the gold price has further to go.

Last week, the analyst rated the most accurate forecaster of the gold price said the precious metal would keep rising.

Jochen Hitzfeld, an analyst at UniCredit, the Italian bank, has been rated by Bloomberg, the news agency, as the most accurate
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Gold and Gold Mining Shares as a Percent of Global Assets
Sprott Asset ManagementOct 14

Goldman Sachs Predicts Gold To Hit $1650 Within 12 Months
Prison PlanetOct 13
Goldman Sachs expects the dollar to plummet following another round of quantitative easing and has raised its forecast for the gold price to $1,650 per ounce within the next 12 months.

The announcement came in a report, Monday that stated:

“With the prospects for another round of quantitative easing in the United States in
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California to Sell 24 Government Buildings for $2.3 Billion
CNBCOct 13

2010-03-09 - Hugh Hendry - At Work
YouTubeOct 13

BBC Newnight's Justin Rowlatt spends a day at the office with hedge fund
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Check out the book he's reading (5:38)

Fed Mandates Inflation
Peter SchiffOct 12
Much of the content of the latest Fed statement, released on September 21, echoes the central bank's previous post-credit crunch pronouncements: there is still too much slack in the economy, interest rates are still going to be near-zero for an "extended period," and the Fed will continue to use payments from its Treasury purchases to buy yet more Treasuries.

But this recent statement uses a new turn of phrase that should have Americans very upset. The Fed says that
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Marc Faber Says World Heading for 'Major Inflection Point'
BloombergOct 12
Global markets are heading for an “important turning point” as interest rates begin to rise within about three months and the U.S. dollar gains, according to investor Marc Faber.

Investors should buy stocks and sell cash and bonds because governments are continuing to print too much money and may create a new “credit bubble,” Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, told reporters during a forum in Seoul today.

“Instead of interest rates going down, they c
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The Gold Standard Before the Civil War | Murray N. Rothbard
YouTubeOct 11

Rothbard explodes the myth there was a 'gold shortage' and fiat money was
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Is America On the Verge of a Soviet-Style Collapse? Ron Paul Says Yes, and That’s a Good Thing
MediaiteOct 11

Libertarian icon and perennial FBN’s Freedom Watch guest Rep. Ron Paul visited the program once again to talk pleasantries with host Judge Andrew Napolitano– namely, the imminent threat of revolution and Soviet-
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Fed Undaunted by Uncertain Prospects for Money Printing
CNBCOct 11
Break out the multiphonic duplicator!!!

Ellen Brown and the Secret of Oz's Hyperinflationary Dreamworld
InformationLiberationOct 09
Gary North of wrote an excellent, if not inflammatory, piece on Ellen Brown titled "Cheerleader for Hitler's Economics." In the piece he details how Ellen Brown advocates Hitler's economics, namely a total fiat money standard where the government can print up money at will to sate whatever desire it pleases.

This is part of so-called "greenbacker" economics. It's extremely dangerous because it's enti
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Here is Ellen Brown's response to Gary's article, she doesn't really address anything.

For the record, I have nothing against Ellen nor Bill Still, I don't know either, I just completely disagree with their economic theories and think their solutions are just as bad as the current fiat system, if not worse. I think embracing fiat money and saying it can be printed at will is promising someone something which doesn't exist.

Does fiat money help the government?

Absolutely, it helps it steal wealth from the private sector so they can waste it on social engineering and bombs for killing foreigners, but that doesn't mean it creates even a dime of wealth.

While perhaps Gary's article was a bit inflammatory, I do think having the correct economic theories are very important (and good intentions count for nothing).

In her response, she says basically lets all work together because we have a common enemy, that's all fine and dandy, but I do think when someone is advocating a wrong theory, such as gold is somehow evil and controlled by the bankers but fiat money is wonderful and 'of the people,' the truth needs to be discussed.

These issues are absolutely paramount. I think, to a large extent, the liberty movement has already won the war and the most important issue now is what system will replace this one when it collapses. Fiat money creates fascism, there is no "limiting" its power nor having the government "only print so much." - Chris, InfoLib

Bernanke's Declaration of Independence
Gary NorthOct 09
Ben Bernanke gave a grim speech on October 4. It did not get media attention. That was because it was so grim.

It was on the looming fiscal crisis of the Federal government. There will be no easy way to avoid it, he said. Congress has to decide what spending to cut. This means that Congress must decide which special-interest groups to alienate. Then it must decide which taxes to raise. Who
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This is very interesting, he says Bernanke signaled they are not going to hyperinflate, I highly doubt this is the case but it's interesting none-the-less.

Don't Touch that Credibility!
Jeffrey TuckerOct 09
WSJ: “As the U.S. economy struggles and flirts with the prospect of deflation, some central bank officials are publicly broaching a controversial idea: lifting inflation above the Fed’s informal target…. Both inside and outside the Fed, though, such an approach is co... (more)

Federal Reserve Officials: Americans Are Saving Too Much Money So We Need To Purposely Generate More Inflation To Get Them Spending Again
The Economic CollapseOct 09

UK: Public sector workers enjoy 30 years in retirement
The TelegraphOct 09

27 Signs That The Standard Of Living For America's Middle Class Is Dropping Like A Rock
The Economic CollapseOct 07
If you still have a job and you can put food on the table and you still have a warm house to come home to, then you should consider yourself to be very fortunate.  The truth is that every single month hundreds of thousands more Americans fall out of the middle class and into poverty.  The statistics that you are about to read are incredibly sobering.  Household incomes are down from coast to coast.  Enrollment in government anti-poverty programs sets new records month after month after month.  H... (more)
Just vote for democrats or demopublicans or whoever, that'll fix everything.

Peter Schiff: "I wouldn't accept a Nobel Prize in economics unless Paul Krugman returned his!"
YouTubeOct 07

Schiff Responds to Dudley, Fed
Peter SchiffOct 07
NY Fed President William Dudley's outrageous statements today closely conform to recent pronouncements from other Fed officials and confirm that a massive round of dollar devaluation is poised to begin.

Seemingly overnight, the Fed appears to have altered its mandate, ditching its former goal of "price stability" in favor of "moderate price inflation." While no one is under the illusion that the Fed has kept prices stable over the last century, it used to be t
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List of Austrian economists who publicly predicted the housing bubble and collapse
RedditOct 06

Mark Thornton

Frank Shostak

Stefan Karlsson

Peter Schiff

Robert Wenzel

Hans F. Sennholz

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Are the Austrians Too Harsh?
Mises InstituteOct 06

Gold Could Exceed $2,000: Jim Rogers
YouTubeOct 06

Jim Rogers, long known as "The Commodities King," tells CNBC gold
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Morgan Stanley Boosts Gold And Silver Price Target, Raises 2011 Upside Gold Forecast From $1,380 To $1,512
Zero HedgeOct 06

Spot Gold, Futures Climb to Records; Silver Extends Rally to 30-Year High
BloombergOct 06

Faber: Positive about economic growth in emerging world (sept. 28th)
YouTubeOct 06

Positive about economic growth in emerging world Marc Faber-Exper
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Peter Schiff: "My Jockey Shorts Outperformed the Dow!"
YouTubeOct 04

Gold, dollar, markets, the Fed, inflation, Rahm Emanuel

The Power Has Shifted: Individuals Now Own More Gold Than Central Banks
EconomicPolicyJournal.comOct 04
FT reports:
JPMorgan has reopened an underground gold vault in New York that was mothballed in the 1990s, in the latest sign of the soaring appetite for bullion...

Many commercial banks dismantled their vaults in the 1980s and 1990s. But now they are rushing to build: JPMorgan recently built a vault in Singapore, while Deutsche Bank and Barclays Capital are considering opening new vaults i
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1099 Supply Shock for Gold Buyers
The Market OracleOct 04

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