Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels
The TelegraphJul 15

Marc Faber: If You Only Lose 50% in the Coming Crash, Count Yourself Lucky
Financial Survival RadioJul 14

IRS Seeks To Rob Fan Who Gave Up Jeter's 3,000th
InformationLiberationJul 13
You're not allowed to give someone a gift without giving the state it's cut.

From Yahoo! Sports:
Christian Lopez might end up wishing he kept that baseball after all.

Lopez became more than a footnote to the spectacle of Derek Jeter(notes) getting his 3,000th hit on Saturday at Yankee Stadium by returning the mileston
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News Corp. Loses $7 Billion in Market Value Over Hacking Scandal
BloombergJul 13

72% Favor Free Market Economy Over One Managed by the Government
Rasmussen ReportsJul 09
Voters remain strongly supportive of a free market economy over one controlled by the government and still think small businesses are hurt more than big businesses when the government does get involved.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 72% of Likely U.S. Voters believe a free market economy is better than an economy managed by the government. Just 14% think a government-managed economy is better. Another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording
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D.C. Taxi Heist: How a new law would screw drivers and riders
YouTubeJul 09

Washington, D.C. is considering a bill that would require every cab driver in the city to own a special permit called a medallion. The total number of medallions would be capped at 4,000, which would reduce the current number of cabs by more than one-third and put thousands of drivers out of business. (The city government has no idea how many licensed cabs are in the d
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Amazon Taxes Rely on Economic Fallacy
Fergus HodgsonJul 09

Swiss Parliament to discuss gold franc
MarketWatchJul 09

ThinkProgress says 'Bachmann fails Econ 101' because she doesn't think inflation is of the lord
YouTubeJul 03

Apparently, Michelle Bachmann is a complete idiot because she doesn't think the government should print money Zimbabwe style. Here's the ThinkProgress article where they assure us even republican economists love government money printing, who'd a thunk?! See Th
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Couple moves 'off-grid,' green police force them back and order them to get on welfare
This is DevonJul 01
A COUPLE living an "off-grid" lifestyle say they face prison unless they move from their own land in Willand and return to an existence in the benefits trap.

Stig and Dinah Mason bought Muxbeare Orchard after a sudden windfall allowed them to quit their impoverished lives on a Hertfordshire council estate two years ago.

The Masons have transformed what they described as a derelict four-acre plot into a haven of self-sufficiency boasting a 400 sq m allotment, a polyt
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Damned if you do, damned if you don't! - Chris

Nortel Patents Sold for $4.5 Billion to Consortium Which Includes Apple
Mises Economics BlogJul 01

Amazon ends deal with 25,000 California websites
Orange County RegisterJun 30

How Low Has MySpace Sunk? It's About To Be Sold For Less Than $30 Million
TechdirtJun 28

Marc Faber on 21st Century Investing, Why It's Too Late for the Dollar and Why Emerging Markets Look Good
The Daily BellJun 27
Daily Bell: What has been your position on gold and silver? Do you expect the purchasing power of either or both to go higher?

Marc Faber: Well I basically focus more on gold than silver, although I am on the board of a company, Sprott Inc., that is identified with a very bullish view of silver. I prefer gold. My view is, yes, I have been positive for gold for the past 10 or 12 years and I could make a case that gold today is cheaper than it was in 1999 when it was at $252. Cheape
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The right to wait -- A look at Sweden's hellish healthcare
The Cold Voice of ReasonJun 26

Bernanke Public Approval Falls to Lowest With Too-Slow Economy
BloombergJun 26
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s standing with the public has slid to its lowest level in almost two years of polling on the issue, even as faith in the Federal Reserve holds up.

Bernanke is viewed favorably by 30 percent of those polled, compared with 26 percent who view him unfavorably; the remainder are unsure. In September of 2009, Bernanke enjoyed 41 percent approval and 22 percent disapproval. The Fed itself is viewed favorably by 42 percent of voters, little chang
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Peter Schiff: The Lies a Fed Chairman Tells
YouTubeJun 26

Ron Paul: Time to end Federal Reserve secrecy
Washington TimesJun 23

Bernanke Leaves Door Open to Further Easing
BloombergJun 23
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke left the door open to a fresh shot of monetary stimulus should the economic rebound he’s predicting fail to materialize.

The Fed would be “prepared to take additional action, obviously, if conditions warranted,” including the purchase of more Treasury securities, Bernanke said yesterday after U.S. central bankers met in Washington. The economy will probably overcome constraints from elevated energy prices and Japan- related disruptions to
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70% Say Default is Bad for Economy, 56% Say Failure to Cut Spending is Worse
Rasmussen ReportsJun 22
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely U.S. Voters think it would be bad for the economy if the debt ceiling is not raised and the federal government defaults on some of its loan obligations. Just 7% disagree and think it would be good for the economy. Eleven percent (11%) feel a government default will have no impact, and another 11% are not sure.

But 56% of voters see more short-term economic danger in failing to significantly cut federal spen
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Only 7% realize default is good for our economy? That's unfortunate. Default is actually a huge win for our economy as it would get us out of massive debt obligations which our government got us into (against our will). It's the equivalent of declaring bankruptcy to get out of your student loans (pre-bankruptcy "reform," of course). Default would mean less taxes need to be stolen to pay off bond holders etc. and people who lent to our stupid government, it would also make people less likely to lend to our stupid government in the future. - Chris

Tax Credits Are Not Subsidies
Laurence M. VanceJun 22

Another Bitcoin Crash
Mises BlogJun 21
The Bitcoin community faced another crisis besides this on Sunday afternoon as the price of the currency on the most popular exchange, Mt.Gox, fell from $17 to pennies in a matter of minutes. Trading was quickly suspended and visitors to the home page were ... (more)

Indian Gold And Silver Imports Surge By Stunning 500% In May
Zero HedgeJun 21

Man invents table saw safety mechanism, power tool companies choose not to license it, so he turns to the government to mandate it.
NPR.orgJun 20
Interestingly, a commenter to the article points out how NPR has run basically the same story about this clown practically ever year. - Chris

Trading Of Over The Counter Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15
Zero HedgeJun 20

Obama's ATM story can't explain slow hiring
MarketWatchJun 20

John Stossel - The Licensing Racket
YouTubeJun 17

Licensing laws have been proven to be an effective government mechanism for reducing free market competition, consumer options and employment opportunities. Features Walter E Williams, Paul Avelar and Jestina Clayton.

This is $750K of government supplies going in the trash due to expiration. We buy it, hold it until it expires, and throw it away. This is a monthly routine.
RedditJun 17

From a poster on reddit:

"This is $750K of government supplies going in the trash due to expiration. We buy it, hold it until it expires, and throw it away. This is a monthly routine."

"Don't want to get too specific, but they are supplies that are held for contingencies (disasters etc.) in the US.
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Banks Net Buyers of Gold In 2011 For First Time Since Inception Of Euro
Zero HedgeJun 17

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