Princeton Economist: Nearly Half of U.S. Men Who Dropped Out of Workforce On Opioid Painkillers
BreitbartSep 10

Zuckerberg Group: 700k American Job Openings If DACA Ends
BreitbartSep 01

Evergreen State College Announces Layoffs Due to Drop in Enrollment
InformationLiberationAug 31
Shockingly, world famous Evergreen State College is having trouble getting out of state students to enroll at their college.

From The College Fix:
Administrators at The Evergreen State College have announced that the embattled school faces a massive $2.1 million budget shortfall due in part to a drop in enrollment, and the institution has already handed out some temporary layoff notices as officials grapple... (more)

Poll: Everyone Prefers Working With Men
InformationLiberationAug 03
Both men and women prefer to work with men, according to a new poll from MSN.

From Business Insider:
In a poll conducted earlier this month by Business Insider partner MSN, more than 90% of men and women said they were comfortable with having a boss of the opposite gender.

But their preferences tell a different story.
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Media Goes Full Retard Over Trump WWE Tweet
InformationLiberationJul 02
We're reaching levels of media desperation never before thought possible.

The media and the Democrats did everything in their power to make Trump lose the election, yet they failed.
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Trump 'Overrules' Cabinet, Prepares to Unleash Global Trade War
Zero HedgeJul 02
While one of Trump's recurring campaign promises was that he would "punish" China and other key US trade counterparties if elected, for taking advantage of free-trade by imposing steep tariffs and duties on foreign imports to "level the playing field", the President's stance changed drastically after the election, U-turning following his amicable meeting with China's president Xi Jinping in March, but mostly as a result of pressure by his ex-Goldman advisors to keep existing trade arrangements i... (more)

Forgotten Americans On H-1B: 'This Is Complete Treason'
BreitbartJun 28

Tucker Carlson Asks Immigrant Rights Activist Why He's Shilling For The Chamber Of Commerce
InformationLiberationMay 02
Why is it the left that claims to fight for higher wages and workers' rights now shills for open borders globalism and free trade?

That's the question Tucker Carlson asked immigrant rights activist Steven Choi on his show Monday.
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Trump Admin Cracks Down On H1-B Visas For Coders
ZeroHedgeApr 04
As Nasdaq reaches ever record-er, record highs, it seems the ability to create a "Hello World" app is no longer enough to warrant an H1-B visa according to new guidelines from the Trump administration.

As The Hill reports, the new policy guidance that would make it harder for companies to use the H-1B visa program to bring foreign computer programmers into t
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Trump Curse: Anti-Trump Macy's Closing Stores, Cutting 10k Jobs, Stock Collapsing
InformationLiberationJan 05
Ever since Macy's severed ties with Donald Trump and attacked him as a racist, their company has been imploding.

Trump said all like-minded patriots should boycott the company on July 1st, 2015.
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CNN: "Ford Cancels Mexico Plant. Will Create 700 U.S. Jobs in 'Vote of Confidence' in Trump"
InformationLiberationJan 04
For the first time in decades, our president may actually pursue sane policies in the best interests of the people of the United States.

From CNN:
Ford is canceling plans to build a new plant in Mexico. It will invest $700 million in Michigan instead, creating 700 new U.S. jobs.

Ford CEO Mark Fields said the investment is a "vote of confidence" in the pro-bu
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LOL: Trump Team Sends Memo to Energy Department Asking Who's Worked on Climate Change
InformationLiberationDec 11
Federal bureaucrats at the Department of Energy are fearing they might lose their cushy make-work jobs.

From Reuters:
President-elect Donald Trump's Energy Department transition team sent the agency a memo this week asking for the names of people who have worked on climate change and the professional society memberships of lab workers, alarming employees and advisors.

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Nice Timing: 'Hamilton' Stunt Happens As Broadway 'Needs Republican Votes' To Get Tax Break
InformationLiberationNov 20
The cast of Hamilton's idiotic stunt may cost their executives a pretty penny.

With Obama at the helm in 2015, Broadway producers were given special tax breaks by Congress.

Now that Republicans have control of the House, Senate and presidency, their special treatment is likely going to end.

"Brilliant, absolutely brilliant of the Hamilton cast to embarrass Pence at a time when Broadway needs Republican votes in Congress. Genius," former New York Ti
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Obamacare Premiums to Rise Next Year by Average of 25%
InformationLiberationOct 24
Who could have possibly predicted this?

From McClatchy DC:
Insurers are raising the 2017 premiums for a popular and significant group of health plans sold through by an average of 25 percent, more t... (more)

Working Class White Men's Incomes Lower Now Than In 1996
InformationLiberationOct 07
Decades of discriminatory policies, importing cheap immigrant labor and so-called "free trade" are taking their toll.

From The Christian Science Monitor:
Income levels among white men without a college education have dropped by nine percent over the past two decades, according to a new study by Sentier Research, contributing to ongoing ... (more)

Clinton Campaign Admits Hillary Used Same Tax Avoidance 'Scheme' as Trump
ZeroHedgeOct 03

Hillary Clinton's Vow to College Grads: I'll Outsource Your Jobs to Foreign Graduates
BreitbartJun 30

Soros Bets $110m Shorting Germany's Biggest Bank
InformationLiberationJun 29
George Soros is looking to take down Germany's biggest bank...

Via The Daily Express:
BILLIONAIRE investor George Soros took out a staggering €100MILLION bet that a major German bank would collapse after Britain decisions to cut ties with the crumbling EU.

The man who "broke the Bank of England" took
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Rep Claims George Soros Was "Long" Pound Before Brexit Vote
InformationLiberationJun 28
Soros allegedly lost money by being long the pound, but made money due to his heavy investments in gold.

Via Bloomberg:
George Soros, the billionaire whose 1992 wager against the pound made hedge fund history, didn’t repeat the bet ahead of sterling’s record tumble on Friday.

Soros was “long” the currency before Britain’s vo
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As Calif. Power Grid Operators Warn of Blackouts, Enviros Celebrate Closing of Last Nuclear Plant
InformationLiberationJun 21
I wonder if there's a connection between these two "unrelated" stories...

From Reuters:
California will have its first test of plans to keep the lights on this summer following the shutdown of the key Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility...

With record-setting heat and air conditioning demand expected in Southern Ca
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Trump Says He'll Stop Obama Plan to Force "Diversity" on White Neighborhoods
InformationLiberationJun 12
Bad news white people, you won't get to "diversity" forced on your neighborhood if Trump becomes president.

Via The Daily Caller:
WESTCHESTER, New York — Donald Trump told Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino Tuesday he will discontinue the Housing and Urban Development regulation that allows the federal government to dictate local and state... (more)

Soros Destroys EU Through Migrant Crisis, Acts to Profit Off Collapse
InformationLiberationJun 10
This man is a comic book super-villain.

From the WSJ:
After a long hiatus, George Soros has returned to trading, lured by opportunities to profit from what he sees as coming economic troubles.

Worried about the outlook for the global economy and concerned that large market shifts may be at hand, the billionaire hedge-fund founder and philanthropist recently directed a series of big, bearish investments, acc
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Illegals Openly Brag About $300k Scholarships on Twitter
InformationLiberationJun 06
While the country is broke and Americans whose forefathers founded this nation and paid into the system for generations are being saddled with massive student debt, illegal immigrants are getting $282,220 scholarships and bragging about it on twitter.

These pictures were highlighted earlier today by Jared Wyand on Twitter.
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Illegals Dwarf American Households in Welfare: "Obama Seeking $17k For Every Illegal Minor"
SHTFplanMay 23
Who exactly is the burdensome, broken and disturbingly unsensible welfare system being run for?

A new study found that both illegal and legal immigrants, who typically work low wage jobs, receive more in government assistance each year than struggling American families do.

Via the Washington Examiner
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Obama Spending Millions to Find Summer Jobs — for Refugees
The American MirrorMay 18

Germany to Spend $106 Billion on Refugees Until 2020 - Report
RTMay 14
The German government will allocate nearly €94 billion for incoming refugees over the next five years. This includes housing, integration, German language courses and social welfare benefits, and dealing with the underlying causes of the refugee influx.

Germany’s Der Spiegel cites a Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) statement, which estimates that the number of asylum seekers entering the country will be around 600,000 in 2016, some 400,000 in 2017 and about 300,000 each consecuti
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'Focus On Diversity' Bringing Down British College Rankings
InformationLiberationMay 05
Diversity is our strength, except when it comes to actual performance on things, then it's a giant weakness.

From the Telegraph:
Britain's best universities are slipping down university rankings because they are forced to focus on diversity and recruiting from disadvantaged backgrounds, experts say.

Top universitie
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Stefan Molyneux and Vox Day Debate Free Trade, Talk Migrant Crisis
Stefan MolyneuxMay 04
Vox Day joins Stefan Molyneux to discuss objections to free trade, the European response to the migrant crisis, the lack of immigrant assimilation, why liberals don't value diversity, how equality is impossible, the rise of nationalist political parties, generational differences on multiculturalism in Europe, how we're running out of time and the connection between migration and warfare.
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Billionaire Investor Carl Icahn Sells Entire Stake in Apple
The GuardianApr 29

Target Boycott Crosses 1 Million Signers, Stock Sinks by $1.5 Billion
BreitbartApr 29

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