Lew Rockwell on "Crazy Keynesianism" and the Police State
YouTubeNov 16

Occupy Wall Street after spreading across the country over the last 60 days, in protest of inequality and bank bailouts, to name a few issues, has seen a crackdown. Zuccotti Park, home of Occupy Wall Street was cleared out early this morning by riot police. Yesterday, hundreds of police in riot gear dismantled Occupy Oakland camp, arresting protesters. As for the movem
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Gerald Celente's gold account was emptied by MF Global
RT AmericaNov 16

The recent bankruptcy of financial stalwart and Wall Street casino failure MF Global in the US, has claimed a new and unlikely victim. Following the company’s glorious collapse, Trends Research founder Gerald Celente had his own six figure gold investment account completely looted by chapter 11 trustees, and he is fighting to get it back.

Oil Tops $100 on Seaway Pipeline Reversal
BloombergNov 16
Oil in New York climbed above $100 a barrel to a five-month high as Enbridge Inc. said it will reverse the direction of the Seaway pipeline, adding an outlet for crude from the central U.S. and Canada.

Futures rose as much as 3.1 percent after Enbridge agreed to acquire ConocoPhillips (COP)’s share of the pipeline that runs between Cushing, Oklahoma, and the Gulf Coast and announced the reversal. The change may alleviate a bottleneck at the Cushing storage hub that has lowered the
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Chinese TV Host Says Regime Nearly Bankrupt
Epoch TimesNov 15
China’s economy has a reputation for being strong and prosperous, but according to a well-known Chinese television personality the country’s Gross Domestic Product is going in reverse.

Larry Lang, chair professor of Finance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said in a lecture that he didn’t think was being recorded that the Chinese regime is in a serious economic crisis—on the brink of bankruptcy. In his memorable formulation: every province in China is Greece.
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Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers
YouTubeNov 15

Part 2, Part 3
On the Monday, November 14 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with investor, author, and financial commentator Jim Rogers.

AVTM + Anonymous ~$1m/yr CA Medical Marijuana Producer
YouTubeNov 15
One of the few growth markets left in the US!

Marc Faber: S&P 500 May `Rally' Another 5%, Fed has Negative Real Interest Rates
BloombergNov 15

Nov. 14 (Bloomberg) - Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report," talks about the outlook for global stock markets. Faber also discusses Europe's sovereign debt crisis, the U.S. economy and Federal Reserve monetary policy. He speaks from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, with Susan Li on Bloomberg Television's "First Up."(Source: Bloomberg)

Obama Scapegoats China For His Own Failed Economic Policies
InformationLiberationNov 14
Obama has now joined the blame China chorus and is attempting to scapegoat China for his own failed policies.

From Bloomberg:
President Barack Obama kept up his pressure on China's foreign-exhange policy and trade practices, saying “enough’s enough” on what the U.S. view... (more)

Entrepreneurship With Fiat Property and Fiat Money
Hans-Hermann HoppeNov 14
Let me begin with a brief description of what a capitalist-entrepreneur does, and then explain how the job of the capitalist-entrepreneur is changed under statist conditions.

What the capitalist does is this: He saves (or borrows saved funds), hires labor, buys or rents capital goods and land, and he buys raw materials. Then he proceeds to produce his product or service, whatever it may be, and he hopes that he will make a profit.

Profits are defin
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China Misses 3 Trillion Yuan But You Should Trust Inflation and GDP Data
ZeroHedgeNov 14

Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street (OWS): Uncut, Unfiltered, Unleashed!
YouTubeNov 12

Back by popular demand, it's Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street. And this time, he's uncut, unfiltered, and unleashed!

Last week, Reason.tv released an 18-minute video of investment guru, radio show host, and unflappable defender of capitalism Peter Schiff as he spent three hours among the Occupy Wall Street protesters in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park. ( htt
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U.S. Tourism's 'Lost Decade' Cost Some 500,000 Jobs
US NewsNov 12
The travel industry today became the latest to slam federal rules and bureaucracy, charging that tough visa rules for potential tourists have robbed the nation of $600 billion and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Two grim facts: More Chinese now visit France than the United States, in part because it's hard to get a U.S. visitors visa. And while the U.S. used to be the destination for 17 percent of the world's tourists in 2000, that's dropped to 12.4 percent and shows no sign of cha
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Oil Riches Languish on China's Doorstep
BloombergNov 12
To China, the world's biggest energy consumer, another Saudi Arabia of oil may lie beneath the ocean to its south. Escalating regional tensions mean large-scale drilling may be slipping further into the future.

The South China Sea may hold 213 billion barrels of oil, or 80 percent of Saudi Arabia's reserves, according to Chinese studies cited in 2008 by the U.S. Energy Information Agency. The world's second-largest economy claims "indisputable sovereignty" over most of the sea, i
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Doug Casey talks to James Turk about Gold & The Greater Depression
YouTubeNov 11

In this video, Doug Casey, founder and chairman of Casey Research Institute, talks to the GoldMoney Foundation's James Turk about the greater depression that is facing the developed world. In Casey's view, finding intriguing investment opportunities is difficult at the moment, owing to the dislocations affecting economies as a result of central banks' money printing ef
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Meredith Whitney's Dream Coming True
Douglas FrenchNov 11
Last December Meredith Whitney told a 60 Minutes audience that a municipal bond meltdown was coming. Ms. Whitney has been under attack ever since.

All year long financial commentators have been asking Meredith, “show us the defaults!”

The largest municipal bankruptcy in history was filed yesterday when the county commissioners of Alabama’s Jefferson County voted 4-1 to file Chap
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Simple Two-Question Quiz Exposing the Reality of Corporatism
r/LibertarianNov 10

China: Chaos and Contrasts
Skip CookNov 10
It is seven-thirty on a Sunday night. I have just completed the last leg of my trip home from Guilin, China. As I travel across the Arkansas River bridge from the Little Rock airport, headed for the bedroom community of Maumelle, where I live, I notice something conspicuously absent from my drive: Horns; nobody is honking! In China, both in Shanghai and in the smaller city of Guilin, every vehicle has a horn. Every driver is damn proud of their possession and uses it liberally. In fact... (more)

Property Prices Collapse in China. Is This a Crash?
ForbesNov 10
Residential property prices are in freefall in China as developers race to meet revenue targets for the year in a quickly deteriorating market.  The country's largest builders began discounting homes in Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen in recent weeks, and the trend has now spread to second- and third-tier cities such as Hangzhou, Hefei, and Chongqing.  In Chongqing, for instance, Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa cut asking prices 32% at its Cape Coral project.  "The price war has begun," said... (more)

Rogers: "100% Chance Of Crisis Worse Than 2008," Italy Implodes
Prison PlanetNov 10
Veteran investor Jim Rogers warned this morning that there is a “100% chance” the world is facing a financial crisis worse than 2008, as Italy was plunged into chaos on the back of soaring bond yields which now make the country’s huge debt unsustainable, mandating yet another EU bailout.

“We’re certainly going to have more crises coming out of Europe and America; the world is in trouble. The world has been spending staggering amounts of money that it doesn’t have for a few decades
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The Income Gap Obsession
Jeffrey TuckerNov 10
The word “equality” is being rammed down our throats every day, with special focus on the so-called “income gap.” The presumption is that we should all denounce the gap, work to eliminate it and embrace perfect equality as an ideal.

It’s true that inequality is growing, but the focus on that alone is sheer folly. Equality applies to math equations. You could also use it to describe how the law should be impartial with respect to persons — the traditional use of the term “equality”
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15 Statistics Which Prove That The U.S. Economy Is In Much Worse Shape Than Most Americans Think
EndoftheAmericanDreamNov 09
Yes, most Americans realize that the economy is not doing well right now, but most of them also believe that this is just a "temporary" downturn.  The mainstream media tells us over and over that a "recovery" has either already begun or that one is right around the corner.  Sadly, the truth is that the U.S. economy is in much worse shape than most Americans think.  Yes, there will be economic "peaks and valleys" as we move along, but it is absolutely imperative that all of us understand that we ... (more)

Hypocrite Much? [Pic]
RedditNov 09

See: "Public Servants" or Parasites?

Germany’s Weidmann Says ECB Can’t Bail Out Governments by Printing Money
BloombergNov 09
European Central Bank council member Jens Weidmann said the ECB cannot bail out governments by printing money.

“One of the severest forms of monetary policy being roped in for fiscal purposes is monetary financing, in colloquial terms also known as the financing of public debt via the money printing press,” Weidmann, who heads Germany’s Bundesbank, said in a speech in Berlin today. The prohibition of monetary financing in the euro area “is one of the most important achievements in
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Private Citizens Perform $4 Million Road Repair Job For Free in 8 Days
Economics JunkieNov 09
Anyone who thinks we need government to build and maintain roads may want to consider Kauai residents don’t wait for state to repair road:
Their livelihood was being threatened, and they were tired of waiting for government help, so business owners and residents on Hawaii’s Kauai island pulled together and completed a $4 million repair job to a state park — for free.

Polihale Stat
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Marc Faber On Bloomberg: Audio Interview
Marc Faber BlogNov 09
Listen to the audio interview HERE, "Faber Greece, Other Countries Probably Bankrupt."

Chinese Finance Chief Says European Welfare States Induce 'Sloth, Indolence'
Al JazeeraNov 08

Video gets great at 12:00 - Chris
"If you look at the troubles which happened in European countries, this is purely because of the accumulated troubles of the worn out welfare society. I think the labour laws are outdated. The labour laws induce sloth, indolence, rather than hardworking. The incentive system, is totally out of whack.... (more)

Prohibition's Hold on Liquor Sales in 18 States May Relax in Boon for Beam
BloombergNov 08
U.S. states that have kept a tight rein on alcohol sales since the Prohibition era may be loosening their grip.

Lawmakers in Utah, where even high-alcohol beer is sold through state liquor stores, were urged by an advisory panel this year to put the business in private hands. Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina have considered privatizing state liquor outlets. Tomorrow in Washington, votes will be counted on a ballot measure backed by Costco Wholesale Corp. (COST) that would
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