Study Confirms The Government Produces The Buggiest Software
ForbesMar 14

Oil, Alternatives, and Nuclear Weapons - An Interview with Marc Faber
OilPrice.comMar 13

Fed To Take Propaganda To The Schoolroom: Will Teach Grade 8-12 Students About Constitutionality Of... The Fed
ZeroHedgeMar 13

The Fed Does the Figure-Four Three-Quarter Leglock
Jeffrey TuckerMar 09
The money masters at the Federal Reserve have done a splendid job, haven’t they? Well, no, and all the more reason to End the Fed, in the legendary slogan of Ron Paul.

Every few months since the great meltdown of 2008, there’s been some announcement that appears in the financial press about the latest fancy-pants m
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Ben Bernanke Says That His Son Will Graduate With $400,000 Of Student Loan Debt
The Economic CollapseMar 09
Who ever imagined that Ben Bernanke would become a poster child for the student loan debt problem in America?  Recently Bernanke told Congress that his son will graduate from medical school with about $400,000 of student loan debt.  For most Americans, such a staggering amount of debt would almost certainly guarantee a lifetime of debt slavery.  Unfortunately, Bernanke's son is not al... (more)

Oil and the Pentagon
Mises InstituteMar 09
Late last month, Bloomberg reported that British Petroleum continues to experience substantial growth in the amount of money it receives from the Pentagon for its oil services. From 2010 to 2011, Pentagon contracts with BP increased by one-third from about 1 billion to 1.35 billion.

This was presented by some in the media as a scandal, since presumably, BP
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Law's Millionaires, Bernanke's Billionaires
Mises InstituteMar 09
Being a billionaire isn't such an exclusive group anymore. Back in 1998, there were reportedly 230 billionaires worldwide. Now, according to Forbes magazine, the number has grown to 1,226. The United States still has the most with 425, but now 58 countries have billionaires. Russia and China have nearly 100 each.

Nobody seems too excited about billionaires, likely because a billion is an unimaginable number--a thousand million. There was once a time when being a millionaire
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Buffett's Bursting Bubble
Peter SchiffMar 09
The gold doomsayers have found their champion in the media's favorite financial advisor and one of the world's richest men. Warren Buffett, the man dubbed the "Oracle of Omaha," has repeatedly and publicly denied that gold is an investment, and called gold buyers "speculators" and people "who fear almost all other assets." In fact, Buffett claims that gold's rise has the same characteristics as the housing and dot-com bubbles, and it is only a matter of time before it reverses course. ... (more)

Crony capitalism: Green firms burn through taxpayer dollars, pay huge executive bonuses, then go bankrupt
Natural NewsMar 09
The Obama Administration's green energy development program, which has leveraged billions of taxpayer dollars into high-risk green energy startups, is rapidly turning out to be one of the biggest financial scams on the American people in recent history. A new investigative report by ABC News has revealed that many of the now-bankrupt green energy companies that received massive taxpayer-funded loan infusions from the Department of Energy (DOE) awarded huge cash bonuses to their exe... (more)

Consumer Reports tries to test $100K plug-in hybrid; breaks down during check-in process
Consumer ReportsMar 09

Government-subsidized green light bulb carries costly price tag
Washington PostMar 09
The U.S. government last year announced a $10 million award, dubbed the “L Prize,” for any manufacturer that could create a “green” but affordable light bulb.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the prize would spur industry to offer the costly bulbs, known as LEDs, at prices “affordable for American families.” There was also a “Buy America” component. Portions of the bulb would have to be made in the United States.
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What You Should Know About Drug Prohibition
YouTubeMar 09

In its history, America has experienced two major periods of drug prohibition. This first was the Federal alcohol prohibition from 1920-1933. The second is the current war on drugs, which began in 1971.

According to Prof. Angela Dills, during these periods of prohibition in America, both homicide rates and police enforcement costs increased. This makes s
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Rubin Says He Has Too Many Dollars 13 Years After Departing U.S. Treasury
BloombergMar 09
Robert Rubin, who as U.S. Treasury secretary in the 1990s promoted a stronger dollar, said he has too much of his personal investments in the currency.

A “disproportionate amount” of his assets are in cash and he “should be more allocated away from the dollar,” Rubin, 73, said yesterday in a speech at the TradeTech conference in New York. He said he also was “greatly overweighted” in private equity and had investments in hedge funds.

Rubin, who served in President B
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Motor City "Stimulus"¯: $148,000 to Dress Two Low-income Job Seekers
The New AmericanMar 08

U.S. Said to Prepare Apple Lawsuit Over E-Book Price-Fixing
BloombergMar 08
Let the shakedown begin!

What Is Money?
YouTubeMar 07

Nielsio — May 12, 2010 — Division of Labor and Money (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe)

Business Cycle Theory (by Jörg Guido Hülsmann)

Theory and History (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe)
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Related: Intro to Austrian Economics

JIM ROGERS: The Government Is Lying About Inflation And It's Crushing The Consumer
Business InsiderMar 07

Schiff: Why Buy the Cow?
Peter SchiffMar 06
The communist revolutions in the 20th century sought to nationalize the wealth generated by privately held industries back to the “exploited” workers on whose backs the profits were supposedly derived. America has made the rejection of this idea and its support of free market principles the centerpiece of its economic narrative. However, as a result of our current and proposed tax policies towards corporate shareholders, our government collects a portion of industrial output that would inspire e... (more)

COFFEE, GAS, COLLEGE TUITION: Here's A Look At Everything Priced In Gold
Business InsiderMar 06

MARC FABER: War With Iran Is 'Almost Inevitable'
Business InsiderMar 06

$9: Price for a Month's Supply of Birth Control Pills at Target 3 Miles from Georgetown Law
CNSNewsMar 06

Marc Faber States Gold Far From Bubble Phase
The Gold ReportMar 05
With more than 40 years as an economist to his credit and claiming gold as the "biggest position in my life," Gloom Boom & Doom Report Publisher Marc Faber assures us that gold is nowhere near a bubble phase, but cautions that corrections of 40% are not unusual in a bull market. At the end of March, Faber will share his secrets for surviving corrections at the World MoneyShow in Vancouver. In advance of that appearance, he sat down with The Gold Report for this exclusi... (more)

Citigroup Predict Gold At $2,400/oz In 2012 And $3,400/oz "In Coming Years"
ZeroHedgeMar 05

MARC FABER: Markets Are Overbought And A Correction Is Coming
Business InsiderMar 05
Marc Faber, the publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, is typically optimistic on equities as an asset class.

However, Faber told CNBC that he expects a correction in global stocks in the near term:

“Markets are overbought, technically they have deteriorated, and we have very heavy insider selling, so I think a correction is coming. ...I don’t think (investors) should be shooting for huge gains, but rather for pres
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Stocks Cheaper Than Any U.S. Peak in 23 Years
BloombergMar 05
Corporate profits that doubled since 2009 have left the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index cheaper than at all 34 peaks since 1989, even as options traders push the cost of protecting against losses to the highest in four years.

Companies in the benchmark gauge of U.S. stocks trade for 14.1 times earnings after advancing 102 percent since March 2009 to an almost four-year high last week, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Valuations are lower than at every 52-week peak since 1989. Traders
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Perhaps this is a signal people are not buying into the easy money induced high. - Chris

Boom-Era Property Speculators to Get Foreclosure Aid
BloombergMar 05
The Obama administration will extend mortgage assistance for the first time to investors who bought multiple homes before the market imploded, helping some speculators who drove up prices and inflated the housing bubble.

Landlords can qualify for up to four federally-subsidized loan workouts starting around May, as long as they rent out each house or have plans to fill them, under the revamped Home Affordable Modification Program, also known as HAMP, according to Timothy Massad, t
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Doug Casey: This Week In Money - 3/3/2012
YouTubeMar 05

30 Stupid Things The Government Is Spending Money On
The American DreamMar 02
If you want to get paid for doing something stupid, just turn to the U.S. government.  The U.S. government is paying researchers to play video games, it is paying researchers to study the effects of cocaine on Japanese quail and it has spent millions of dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly.  The amount of money that the government wastes is absolutely horrifying.  Do you remember all of that political wrangling over the debt ceiling deal last year?  Do you remember how our p... (more)

Banker Bonuses: Wall Streeter Who Complained About $350K Salary Responds to The Outrage
Daily TickerMar 02
After being cited in a Bloomberg article about the impact of falling Wall Street bonuses, Andrew Schiff is feeling the heat from Americans outraged that someone (anyone) who makes $350,000 a year could complain about their lot in life. The story has gone viral, sparked a boatload of copycat pieces and blogs, most of them highly critical of Schiff, who says he's receiv... (more)
Peter Schiff's brother is being vilified because he dared to complain about the skyrocketing cost of living in the US.

Here he is talking about this story on The Peter Schiff Show, download the show from March 1st, skip to 60:00.

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