Socialism for Texas Farmers
Jacob G. HornbergerAug 01

Obama Opposes Min. Wage Increase In Samoa Due To Harmful Effects, Will He Do The Same For U.S.?
Daily MarketsAug 01

Marc Faber: Market Forces Will Prevail - July 27, 2012
YouTubeJul 31

Central Banks will be taught a real lesson. Produced by

Australian household wealth up 20 per cent from 2004-2010 as US drops 30 per cent 31
Lol, gotta love how the government is taking all the credit, let's just ignore the mining/commodities boom, all hail the state! - Chris

Doug Casey on Crisis Investing, Political Risk, and a Benign Anarchy!
YouTubeJul 29

Welcome to Capital Account. The US economy slowed in the second quarter: GDP rose at 1.5% on an annualized basis according to the Commerce Department. The Wall Street Journal points out that this current economic 'recovery' is the second weakest rebound post World War II. Cue speculation about the Federal Reserve taking more action, or talk of how government GDP number
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Record number of coal-fired generators to shut down in 2012
The Daily CallerJul 29

Teen Opens Hot Dog Stand to Help Disabled Parents -- City Shuts Him Down
YouTubeJul 26

In Holland, Mich., a 13-year-old entrepreneur thought he would be able to sell hot dogs and financially help his disabled parents with the purchase of a food cart. Unfortunately, city zoning officials have shut down his business, based on an ordinance that prohibits competition to brick-and-mortar restaurants from mobile food vendors. The Mackinac Center's own Anne Sch
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Feds file suit against Buckyballs, retailers ban product
USA TodayJul 26
This could apply to almost every product for adults on the market, if the criteria is will swallowing said product hurt a child, then basically everything should be banned. Notice though, you don't see these people calling for fluoride to be banned from children's toothpaste, toothpaste which is literally sweetened with all sorts of artificial sweeteners and made to taste like candy! In that case, one small warning is apparently enough! - Chris, InfoLib

See: Unintentional Poisoning is Second Leading Cause of Hospitalizations for Children Under Four: "Toothpaste, lotions, nail polish and prescription drugs are the main source of poisoning"

Buckyballs Fights Back Against Bureaucrats Shutting Their Business Down
GetBuckyBalls.comJul 26

Marc Faber on a Global Crash, the U.S. Treasury Bubble and China's Slowdown
YouTubeJul 26

Welcome to Capital Account. Another day with record lows for the US Treasury, both the 10-year and the 2-year. Could this be the biggest bubble we have ever seen? We talk to famed investor Dr. Marc Faber, Publisher of the Gloom Boom and Doom Report. He joins us from Agora Financial's symposium in Vancouver.

As the global economic slowdown continues, we a
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Housing Bubbling Like 2008 on $4 Trillion Stimulus: Mortgages
BloombergJul 26

A Second 'Person of Interest' Was Interviewed in Aurora
The Atlantic WireJul 24

Firefighters Don't Fight Fires
Marginal RevolutionJul 22
Over the past 35 years, the number of fires in the United States has fallen by more than 40% while the number of career firefighters has increased by more than 40% (data).

(N.B. Volunteer firefighters were mostly pushed out of the big cities in the late 19th century but there are a surprising number who remain in rural areas and small towns; in fact, more in total than career firef
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Wow, this was absolutely eye opening, now it makes sense why I've been seeing firefighter trucks everywhere on the road where there's a car accident, I'm always expecting to see some burned out automobile but instead it's just a common crash. I never realized they're literally just showing up to make it seem like they're doing something! This is a must read! - Chris

£13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite
The GuardianJul 22
A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

James Henry, former chief economist at consultancy McKinsey and an expert on tax havens, has compiled the most detailed estimates yet of the size of the offshore economy in a new report, The Price of Offshore Rev
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Socialist drivel. Not having your money stolen by the government is not "hoarding," most everything these people are doing is perfectly legal, what these socialist control freaks want is a global fascist government where there are no "tax havens" and everyone is looted to the fullest extent. The solution to the "problem" in this article is let everyone move their cash off shore and avoid taxes, not bring everyone under a global fascist state. - Chris

Obama's Business Comment...
Randall HolcombeJul 22
Many readers will be aware that last week in a speech President Obama said "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." There have been many comments on this already — most of them I’ve seen have been negative — but I’m still going to add a few words, because I find the comment so troubling.

If the credit for a business person’s success belongs to “somebody else,” who is that somebody else?

In the same speech the president sai
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Don't Die in 2013: Confiscatory 55% Death Tax Set to Take Effect
Americans for Tax ReformJul 22
The 2001 tax relief bill (EGTRRA), drastically reduced the impact of the death tax over the course of a decade, so that it was eliminated entirely for one year in 2010 — a good year to die, joked a number of pundits. The bill lowered marginal rates and increased the applicable exclusion amount, but it also included a provision allowing individuals to carry over exclusion dollars that were unused by their spouse at the time of his or her death. This “portability” measure effectively increased the... (more)

'How hard is it to sell a hot dog?' asks 13-year-old entrepreneur shut down by Holland City Hall
Mlive.comJul 19

Uncle Sam Is a Sugar Daddy
Laurence M. VanceJul 19

Lawmakers push Web retailers to collect sales tax
Washington TimesJul 19

Markets Tell the Truth
Douglas FrenchJul 18
People can't get enough of predictions. There is that basic human desire to know the future and capitalize on it. People especially like hearing predictions that confirm their view of the world. Hearing prognostications that match up with your own makes you feel smart. And in turn, you view the predictor as smart for confirming your bias.

The big question: are we headed for deflation, inflation, hyperinflation, stagnation, stagflation or Obamanation?

As in past yea
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The Average Canadian is Now Richer than the Average American
TIME MagazineJul 17

France's proposed tax hikes spark 'exodus' of wealthy
The TelegraphJul 17

Sorry, savers: Interest rates set record lows
USA TodayJul 17

Australian mining boom generates huge wealth
The TelegraphJul 17

President Obama: "If You've Got A Business - You Didn't Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen"
ZeroHedgeJul 16
Presented without commentary (highlights ours)
There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn't -- look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own. You didn't get there on your own. I'm always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody els... (more)

Occupy Wall Street duped by "1 percent" economics
WashingtonExaminerJul 16

Poll: The Rich Deserve Their Wealth
CNBCJul 16

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