Peter Schiff Talks Rising Food Prices On Al Jazeera
YouTubeSep 04

Inside Story - Hunger Games: the price of feeding the world

We discuss the reasons for the increasing cost of food and what is being done to curb record highs.

Teymoor Nabili discusses with Christine Haigh, Peter Schiff, & Aly Khan Satchu.

Gold Wagers Jump to 5-Month High as Fed Spurs Rally
BloombergSep 03

The era of cheap food may be over
The GuardianSep 03

GOP Shocker: Value-Added Tax Added to 2012 Platform
BarronsSep 01

Paul Krugman's Mis-Characterization of the Gold Standard
James E. MillerAug 31
With a price hovering around $1,600 an ounce and the prospect of "additional monetary accommodation" hinted to in the latest meeting of the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee, gold is once again becoming a hot topic of discussion.

George Soros made news recently when a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission revealed that he had liquidated his position with major financia
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It Is Not Just Your Imagination -- American Families ARE Getting Poorer
The Economic CollapseAug 28
Did you know that median household income in the United States is lower today than it was when the last recession supposedly ended?  If we are in the middle of an "economic recovery", how can this possibly be happening?  Stunning new statistics compiled by Sentier Research show that the U.S. economy is not nearly as healthy as we have been led to belie... (more)

Peter Schiff vs Erica Payne on FOX Business
YouTubeAug 28

Schiff drives some statist up a wall with logic and reason. Entertaining & hilarious.

Marc Faber's Forecasts for the Global Economy
YouTubeAug 28

Marc Faber discusses what opportunities are likely to emerge for institutional investors if sovereign debt continues. He assesses the possible impact of social and political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, and how hedge funds can invest in emerging markets.

Peter Schiff 8-24-12 - CNBC - Talks Gold, points out Analyst has never bought any
YouTubeAug 28

Funny ending!

All Aboard The Seasteading Institute's New 275-foot Ship
SeaSteading.orgAug 27

Samsung Slumps Most in 4 Years on U.S. Sales Ban Concerns
BloombergAug 27

Apple Wins, Consumers Lose
InformationLiberationAug 25
Prepare yourself, Samsung products are now going to be more expensive, as well as Apple's now that they've won $1.05 billion off their biggest competitor.

Incidentally, Samsung is also Apple's biggest customer. Isn't it neat the way stupid laws get people who are working in harmony at each others necks? The purpose of law is to avoid conflict, intellectual property laws only serve to create it, but same goes for most of the 800,000 laws and regulations on the books, so what's
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Apple and Samsung Should Fight in the Marketplace, not the Courtroom
EFF.orgAug 24
As you've likely heard, Apple and Samsung continue to duke it out in what commentators have called the "patent trial of the century." The case involves more than three dozen devices (such as iPhones, iPads, and Galaxy phones and tablets) and various patents, allegedly covering Apple's designs, "double-click-to-zoom," 3G technology, and various other functionalities. But what's really at stake?
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For Marc Faber The Iron 'Ore'; Lady Has Sung
ZeroHedgeAug 24

Republicans Eye Return to Gold Standard
CNBCAug 24

Teen hurt by hit from metal bat to get $14.5M
Philly.comAug 24

Labor Department spends stimulus funds for ads during Olbermann, Maddow shows
Washington TimesAug 22

Marc Faber: "Please Shoot"
Marc Faber BlogAug 22
"If you put a gun to my head and said 'you must choose either Obama or Romney,' I'd say 'please shoot.'" - Marc Faber in a recent interview

What 40 Years Of Gold Confiscation By The US Government Looks Like
ZeroHedgeAug 22

The Solution to Poverty
Jacob G. HornbergerAug 21

RIAA Revenue Dwindles As Labels Cut Back
TorrentFreakAug 21
The latest RIAA tax filing shows that the revenue generated by the anti-piracy group has reached a new low. In just two years the membership dues from music labels have been cut in half and have now sunk to below $30 million a year. While the group has 72 employees, payouts to the top two executives including CEO Cary Sherman amount to more than $3 million, some 25% of the total wage bill.

The RIAA has submitted its latest tax filing to the IRS, covering the fiscal year ending Mar
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Woman Fined $5K For Throwing Birthday Party On Family Farm
YouTubeAug 20

Government Will Take Almost Half Your Paycheck in 2013
HeritageAug 20

Illinois adopts stripper tax to fund rape crisis centers
Fox NewsAug 20
Raping people financially to fund anti-rape centers, classic state! - Chris

Mark Faber - Financial Survival Is About Diversification
YouTubeAug 20

Inflation has killed the middle class and provided a windfall to Wall Street. The financial sector has outgrown the real economy substantially over the past 30 years. The financial sector no longer exists to allocate capital but rather to act as the "house" in the largest casino that the world has ever known. This means that over time the sector will revert to the mean
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