Gold: The Worst Investment of 2013?
Bill BonnerMar 22

Bitcoin Hits Record $74.9 Per Coin As US Gov Seeks Crackdown
InformationLiberationMar 22

Bitcoin is officially going parabolic. Meanwhile, the U.S. government just stated they intend to apply "money laundering" rules against virtual currencies such as Bitcoin.

Nigel Farage Message To Europeans: "Get Your Money Out While You Can"
ZeroHedgeMar 20
In Nigel Farage's first TV appearance since the Cypriot wealth tax was announced, the Englishman pulls no punches. In all his years and all his experience of the desperation of the European Union's leadership "never did [he] think they would resort to stealing money from people's savings accounts." The simple fact is that they know they cannot let any country leave, no matter how small, for "once one country goes, the whole deck of cards will come tumbling down." There is now "clear irre... (more)

You Bought It, You Own It: Supreme Court Victory for Common Sense and Owners' Rights
EFF.orgMar 20
In a long-anticipated decision, the Supreme Court held today that the first sale doctrine applies to works made outside of the United States. In other words, if you bought it, you own it--no matter where it was manufactured. That's a major victory for consumers, and also libraries, used bookstores, and all kinds of groups that depend on the right to lend or resell the goods they've legally purchased.

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Should Bernanke Park the Helicopter?
Mises InstituteMar 20

The Fraudulent Marketplace Fairness Act
Glenn JacobsMar 20

'Last American Man' facing shutdown from North Carolina government for not adhering to building codes
The Daily MailMar 19
A man who has dedicated nearly 30 years to building and living off of his 500-acre farm is facing having his entire way of life shut down by the state government.

Eustace Conway, 51, who has been called ‘The Last Great American Man’ for his rustic way of living, could lose his camp in the Appalachian Mountains, his home for the past three decades.

The Watauga County Planning Department in North Carolina has found several health and sanitary violations in his encampm
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None Dare Call It Theft
Jeffrey TuckerMar 19
The euro elites don’t call it theft or robbery or even a tax, much less an outright default by the banks of Cyprus. They are calling it a “stability levy,” a plan that could lead not to stability, but a domino-style collapse of the banking system in Europe.

True to the nature of government propaganda, the Cypriot head of state, Nicos Anastasiades, says this “stability levy” is necessary to forestall “a complete collapse of the banking sector.” It’s the same kind of language we hea
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Marc Faber Gives Extended Interview on State of Economy
YouTubeMar 19

This week:
-Stocks moving higher but NO Bargain
-Manipulated markets require diversification
-Gold near a tradable low

Bitcoin Hits $56.9 Per Coin
InformationLiberationMar 19

Bitcoin continues its ascent into outer-space!

Molyneux On Cyprus Bank Thefts
YouTubeMar 19

The Cypriot government has decided to take a more obvious form of theft by taking directly from people's bank accounts, rather than inflating the currency, which was the pre-EU strategy.

Stefan Molyneux is the host of Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web -

SCHIFF: 'Banks Are Just A Few Rate Hikes From Insolvency'
The Daily BailMar 19
Great clip. Schiff battles CNBC bank bailout drones.

Peter Schiff on Closing Bell this afternoon. Start watching right at 1:00. Other guests are Jason Pride of Glenmede, and Hank Smith of Haverford Investments.

One of the buy-side tools exclaims:
I think everyone agrees TARP saved the banking system.
Schiff responds:
The banks are in the worst shape they've even been. They are a just a few interest rate hikes ... (more)

Insured Bank Deposits At Risk, America Burns While Obama Golfs
YouTubeMar 19

What happens in Cyprus doesn't necessarily stay in Cyprus. The media says it can't happen here but it can. If several major U.S. banks failed, trillions of deposits would be at risk, including hundreds of billions insured by the FDIC. However, the FDIC barely has any reserves to cover the potential losses. A bigger bailout than TARP would be required to bailout deposit
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Bill Maher complains that his taxes are too high
Human EventsMar 19

Panicked Europeans Rush ATMs as Leaders Move To Seize Funds Directly From Bank Account Holders
SHTFplan.comMar 18
Over the last few years political and financial leaders in Europe and the United States have implemented policies, regulations and bailouts costing global taxpayers trillions of dollars with the promise that these measures would lead to economic growth and recovery.

What happened in Europe today is yet further proof that nothing they've done has fixed the underlying fundamental issues surrounding the events that led to the crash of 2008.

For those who don't believe
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Florida Moves Major Red Light Camera Reform
TheNewspaperMar 18

Puerto Rico Beyond IRS Reach Woos Paulson-Sized Fortunes
BloombergMar 18

Paulson Says He Has No Plans to Relocate to Puerto Rico
BloombergMar 18

Bullish Bets Jump Most Since July as Gold Rebounds
BloombergMar 18

States Crack Down on Top Earners Who Flee as Levies Rise
BloombergMar 14
Someone charge these criminals for making terroristic threats! - Chris

Puerto Rico To Become Epic Tax Haven For U.S. Citizens?: 'The Idea Is To Turn It Into An Alternative To Singapore'
InformationLiberationMar 13
Puerto Rico is working to become one of the most serious threats to the U.S.'s taxation empire in the entire world, all because U.S. citizens per an old taxation agreement become exempt from U.S. income taxes if they become residents of the territory. Under Puerto Rico's remarkable new tax regime, U.S. citizens who become residents of Puerto Rico can potentially find themselves paying zero capital gains taxes, zero dividend ... (more)

Wrong Legislative Thought Of The Day: An Email Tax To Save The Post Office
TechdirtMar 13
There have been questions for quite some time now as to whether or not the traditional US postal system can survive the digital era. Frankly, the outlook isn't good, what with email replacing the sending of letters in large part and the postal service losing billions of dollars each year. The postal service itself tried to fight what I guess they thought was just a hip email trend by reminding everyone how terrible ema... (more)

US Gov Spent 740k Studying Why Lesbians Tend to be Overweight
ReasonMar 13

Bitcoin 'Glitch' Sparks 23% Flash Crash
Zero HedgeMar 13

Gold Sales From Soros Reveal 12-Year Bull Run Decay
BloombergMar 13
Contrarian indicator.

Remarkable New Puerto Rican Law Exempts U.S. Citizens From Multitude Of Taxes
InformationLiberationMar 12
A remarkable new law passed last year in Puerto Rico reportedly exempts U.S. citizens who choose to become residents of the territory from a multitude of taxes. Bloomberg reports John Paulson, the hedge fund manager who made $3.7 billion shorting sub prime mortgages in 2007 before their crash, is possibly looking at moving there, and many wealthy individuals involved in internet, software, and financial companies are looking at taking advantage of the new law.

Via Bloomberg:
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Whole Foods to Voluntarily Label All GMO's Within Five Years
Whole Foods MarketMar 11

Jim Rogers: We're Wiping Out The Savings Class Globally, To Terrible Consequence
Zero HedgeMar 11
Jim Rogers decries the growing uncertainty and recklessness of global central planners as the world enters unchartered financial markets:
For the first time in recorded history, we have nearly every central bank printing money and trying to debase their currency. This has never happened before. How it’s going to work out, I don't know. It just depends on which one goes down the most and first, and they take turns. When one says a currency is going do... (more)

The Demographics Of Bitcoin
Zero HedgeMar 11

Stock Rally Will End Badly This Year: Marc Faber
CNBCMar 08

The stock market's run will result in either a 20 percent correction or a more nasty sell off at some point this year, Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom Boom and Doom report, told CNBC's "Closing Bell" on Thursday.

Faber pointed out that it's been almost exactly four years since the stock market bottomed out. "We're up very substantially, I think invest
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