Foster Youth Kicked Out of Home to Make Room For Migrant Children
InformationLiberationMar 30
A foster home for struggling youth in Washington has been ordered to be vacated to make room for migrant children who are surging over the border in record numbers.
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Poland to Purchase 'At Least' 100 Tonnes of Gold
InformationLiberationMar 15
Poland's economy has been on a tear despite the worldwide corona-panic and in a show of strength their central bank has announced they're planning to purchase "at least" 100 tonnes of gold.
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Grocery Shopping In The New America
InformationLiberationMar 08
Giant Food supermarkets have begun labeling products on their shelves as "Black-owned," "Hispanic-owned," "LGBT-owned" and so on.
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Business Insider: "Everything Is About To Get More Expensive. This Is Good"
InformationLiberationMar 01
With America already experiencing the beginnings of an inflation wave that may spiral out of control as a result of trillions in money printing the media is trying to get ahead of the story by claiming that everything becoming more expensive "is good."
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Diversity Officer 'One Of The Fastest-Growing Careers,' LinkedIn Finds
InformationLiberationFeb 24
One of the fastest-growing careers in America is that of diversity officer, according to data from LinkedIn.
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DOJ Investigating Elon Musk's SpaceX For Allegedly Hiring Americans Over Non-Citizens
InformationLiberationFeb 02
The Biden regime's Department of Justice last week launched a "discrimination" investigation into Elon Musk's SpaceX for allegedly hiring American citizens over non-citizens.
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Signature Bank Closing Trump's Bank Accounts, Deutsche Bank Cutting Ties
InformationLiberationJan 12
President Donald Trump is having his personal bank accounts closed in addition to being banned from every major social media platform and payment processor.
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Black Lives Matter Raised $10.6 BILLION Since May
InformationLiberationDec 16
Donations to Black Lives Matter-related causes over the past 7 months rival Amazon's total profits for all of 2019 -- which was a record-breaking year for the online retail giant.
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Stripe Bans VDARE From Accepting Credit Cards Just Days After Making Deal With Goldman Sachs
InformationLiberationDec 13
Payment processor Stripe on Friday banned the immigration restrictionist website VDARE from accepting credit card payments.
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LA Bar Owner Slams Mayor Garcetti For Approving Movie Company's Outdoor Dining Area After Shutting Her Outdoor Dining Area Down
InformationLiberationDec 04
Heart-wrenching video went viral on Friday of a struggling bar owner in Los Angeles lamenting how Mayor Eric Garcetti approved a large outdoor dining area for a movie company just a few yards away from her outdoor dining area which he shut down in the name of fighting corona.
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Amazon Hiring 2,800 Workers A DAY As Corona Lockdowns Crush Small Biz Competitors
InformationLiberationNov 29
Amazon's workforce has surged over 50 percent in just one year with the company embarking on an "unrivaled" hiring spree as hundreds of thousands of small businesses deemed "unessential" were put out of business due to tyrannical corona lockdowns.
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Scotland 'Makes History' by Passing Bill to Make Period Products For Women 'Free'
InformationLiberationNov 24
The socialist Scottish Labour Party on Tuesday claimed to have "made history" with the passage of a bill forcing taxpayers to pay for "free" sanitary products for women and girls.
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'First You Blame White People, Now You Blame Us!?' Asian Parents Revolt Over End of Meritocracy in CA
InformationLiberationNov 23
Asian parents in California are furious their children's top-performing schools are being forced to scrap their merit-based admissions process in favor of a "diversity lotto" system.
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Rahm Emanuel: Biden White House Should Tell Laid-Off Retail Workers to Learn to Code
InformationLiberationNov 07
Former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said Friday on ABC that a Biden White House should tell folks laid off from retail stores like JC Penney to learn to code.
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Rolling Blackouts Return to California Amid Shift to 'Green' Energy
InformationLiberationAug 19
California is once again experiencing rolling blackouts and the media is acting like the cause is a giant mystery.
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Independent Journalist Tours The Cities Destroyed By Black Lives Matter Rioters
InformationLiberationJun 30
Independent journalist Michael Tracey has been traveling the country over the past few weeks to try and capture the wholesale destruction caused by the Black Lives Matter riots which he suspects the media is refusing to cover because they don't want to be perceived as "discrediting the movement."
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Corporate America Pledges $1.7 Billion to Black Lives Matter
InformationLiberationJun 12
It is going to be quite a trip watching Black Lives Matter spend billions of dollars in the coming years -- handed to them by the most powerful megacorporations in the world -- to tell everyone how "systemically oppressed" they are!
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U.S. Jobless Claims Total Nearly 39 Million, 17% Of Americans Out Of Work Amidst CV Shutdown
InformationLiberationMay 21
At what point will people realize shutting down all small businesses with no regard for their individual circumstances was a bad decision?
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Israel's Largest Bank Agrees to $874M Fine For Conspiring to Help US Citizens Hide $7.6 BILLION in Assets Overseas
RTMay 03

Jobless Claims Surge to Over 30 Million, Survey Estimates Nearly 50 Million Unemployed
InformationLiberationMay 01
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Nikola Tesla, 1898.
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Goldman Was Furiously Buying Mortgage Bonds in The Days Before The Fed's Massive Bailout
Zero HedgeApr 27
Goldman Sachs had itself one of those patented bouts of good luck that you only see on Wall Street - for one reason or another.
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Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions
InformationLiberationApr 23
Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a "diversity index" and determined the threat of unionization is "higher" at stores with "lower diversity."
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Massie Was Right: Delaware Chicken Plant Forcing Growers to 'Depopulate' Up to 2 Million Birds
InformationLiberationApr 17
Republican Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie warned just days ago that struggling farmers faced with economic Armageddon could soon be forced to start euthanizing their livestock even though the US is facing potential food shortages.
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Jeff Sessions Breaks Down the Case for an Immigration Moratorium on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Big League PoliticsApr 17

VDARE Founder Files $5 Million Lawsuit Against New York Times for Libel Over Article Smearing Rep. Steve King...

Trump Campaign Shelves 2020 Ad Blitz Touting Black Unemployment And Stock Market Due to Pandemic
InformationLiberationApr 15
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale's strategy of touting black unemployment, the stock market and the evils of socialism is having to be thrown out the window now that unemployment is surging, the stock market plunged and the Trump administration is sending $1,200 checks to every American and bailing out Wall Street with trillions of dollars.
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White House Leaks Draft Plan to Reopen American Economy
Zero HedgeApr 15
As President Trump declared that he would leave the process of reopening the economy up to the states (with input from federal officials, of course), the Washington Post was releasing a 'leaked' report outlining a plan drafted by CDC and FDA that's essentially a guide for local officials about how to go about reopening the economy.
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Investing Is Dead: World's Largest Asset Manager Says "We'll Just Buy Whatever Central Banks Are Buying"...

Israeli Companies Urged to 'Cash In' On $2 Trillion Coronavirus Bailout
InformationLiberationApr 14
The $2 trillion coronavirus bailout bill featured a carve-out for foreign-owned businesses to take billions of dollars from struggling American citizens to line their coffers.
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GOP Rep Massie Warns U.S. May Be 'Weeks Away' From Food Shortages
InformationLiberationApr 13
America could face food shortages despite farmers having plenty of supplies because multiple huge food processing facilities have been shutdown due to the coronavirus and regulations prevent smaller players from stepping in to fill the gaps.
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Chinese Woman Filmed Herself 'Buying Out' N95 Masks, Bragged She 'Left Nothing For The Americans'
InformationLiberationApr 01
A Chinese woman allegedly filmed herself travelling all over Florida and buying out N95 masks while laughing about leaving "nothing for the Americans."
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Brooklyn Man Baruch Feldheim Accused of Hoarding N95 Masks, Selling Them at 700% Markup, Coughing On FBI Agents
InformationLiberationMar 31
Baruch Feldheim, 43, was arrested on Monday for allegedly making false statements to the FBI and hoarding desperately needed medical supplies, including nearly 200,000 N95 masks which he was selling at a 700% markup.
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