WashPo Assures Men Estrogen-Filled Impossible Whopper Probably Won't Give Them Breasts

Chris Menahan
Dec. 26, 2019

Don't worry about those reports revealing the huge amount of phytoestrogens in the new Impossible Whopper from Burger King, there's "no evidence" the 4-month-old burger "will give you breasts" insists the Washington Post.

From The Washington Post (Archive.is):
Dear men: There’s no evidence that eating Impossible Whoppers will give you breasts

By Tim Carman, December 26 at 5:00 PM

James Stangle, a doctor of veterinary medicine in South Dakota, has sounded the alarm on the Impossible Whopper, which, he says, contains so much estrogen that the mock-meat burger could grow breasts on men who wolf down too many of the Burger King sandwiches.

In a recent report for Tri-State Livestock News, Stangle crunches some serious numbers. He compares the estrogen levels found in the Impossible Whopper to those in the original Whopper, based on their protein sources (beef for the original, and soy for the plant-based one). The Impossible Whopper, Stangle concludes, has 44 milligrams of estrogen compared to just 2.5 nanograms in the beef Whopper.

"Now let me refresh your metric system," Stangle writes. "There are 1 million nanograms (ng) in one milligram (mg). That means an impossible whopper [sic] has 18 million times as much estrogen as a regular whopper [sic]. Just six glasses of soy milk per day has enough estrogen to grow boobs on a male."
That's a lot of estrogen.

The Post doesn't even dispute that is the amount in these Frankenburgers, they just try and deflect onto other issues.

Note too, they seem to want readers to focus on Dr. Stangle not properly capitalizing Burger King's corporate product -- and the nerve of this guy not to include ™ and ®!
It's worth noting that Tri-State Livestock News is, according to its About Us page, a trade publication for the livestock industry, and the "growth and success of Tri-State Livestock News is due to the long-term support from the publication's stockmen and agribusiness customer base." As The Post's Laura Reiley noted in a story this year, "Many of the country's 800,000 cattle ranchers have declared war on newcomers Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat," two of the leading companies responsible for plant-based meats. Impossible Foods supplies the patties for the Impossible Whopper.
Note the pivot. As I said, they don't dispute the (very disturbing) numbers.
It's also worth noting that conservative news outlets, such as National File and MichaelSavage.com, have picked up on the story. "In short, the Impossible Burger is a genetically modified organism filled with calorie-dense oils that can make a man grow breasts if eaten in sufficient quantity," wrote Tom Pappert, editor in chief of the National File.

Soy contains a high concentration of isoflavones, which according to an Environmental Health Perspectives report "belong to a class of compounds generally known as phytoestrogens." According to Harvard School of Public Health's Nutrition Source, these plant compounds are "similar in function to human estrogen but with much weaker effects."
Here's a study on cows showing "soybean-derived phytoestrogens can have adverse effects on reproductive performance in female adults."
"Whether this is good, bad or indifferent depends entirely on who you read and what you read," [New York University nutrition professor Marion Nestle] said. "There is an enormous, enormous, enormous amount of literature on soy estrogens, and it comes to sort of baffling conclusions. Some studies show harm, some studies show benefits. What do you do in a situation like that?"
You follow the evidence, your ancestors and use common sense rather than trust globohomo propaganda.
What you do, Nestle said, is look to cultures that have historically consumed soy products.

"Asians have been eating soy products for millennia and don't seem to be any the worse for it. They have among the longest lifespans and best health, at least in classic diets," she said. "There is a special concern about . . . men and boys who eat soy products, but again, if you look at populations that eat a lot of soy products, there is no evidence of particular problems. No, they don't grow breasts."
It's funny, they later say different ethnic groups may process soy differently.
Nutrition Action, a resource website produced by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, noted that the soy scare may have originated with a "2008 report in a medical journal about a 60-year-old Texas man who complained of sore, enlarged breasts and a decreased libido." Blood tests showed his estrogen levels were up to eight times higher than those at the top end of the normal range, the site reported.

The man's elevated estrogen was apparently caused by his consumption of soy milk. He allegedly drank three quarts a day, which, according to Nutrition Action, "would have given him a daily dose of 360 mg of isoflavones, about 10 times what the average man in Asia consumes." When he stopped drinking soy milk, his estrogen levels returned to normal and his "breast tenderness disappeared," the site reported.
The tenderness may have gone but the real issue is whether the breast tissue remained.

They left that out.

The same referenced article highlighted another study from 2008 which found "the men who ate the most soy had lower sperm concentration," though they note their sperm levels were "still in the normal range."
The soy products that cause the most concern are soy-based infant formulas, which have become popular with parents for a variety of reasons. On its page about soy infant formula, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences notes that "although there have been no specific health problems documented in human infants receiving soy formula, it is recognized that infants go through developmental stages that are sensitive to estrogens. Therefore, infants are more likely than adults to be vulnerable to the estrogen-like effects of the phytoestrogens in soy."
Feeding children soy should be illegal. These days there are tons of breast milk exchanges.
Animal studies, the page points out, "indicate that health effects of possible concern include early onset of puberty in females and alterations in development of breast tissue." But the Harvard School of Public Health warns against giving too much credence to such studies: "Soy may be metabolized differently in animals, so the outcomes of animal studies may not be applicable to humans." The school also notes that soy "may be broken down and used by the body differently in different ethnic groups, which is why individuals from some countries who eat a lot of soy appear to benefit from the food."
You probably won't grow breasts from eating the Impossible Whopper but maybe you will, really who cares?

What is science anyways?

Incidentally, states like Florida started serving prisoners soy instead of beef and pork around a decade ago. Supposedly, this was done to cut costs but many suspect it was done to keep the prisoners docile.

It's worth noting that while the Washington Post is encouraging the pleb masses to chow down on estrogen burgers, the owner of the Post -- the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos -- is clearly taking large amounts of testosterone.

Interesting how that works!

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